Reinforce your partnership and


optimize your Supply Chain


       The right approach to secure performance 


Pending on the integration level of the company versus the final customer Value Chain, the Supply Chain is a major function in the global company operations. Indeed activities which are sub-contracted may represent a significant part of the final product value. Management of the Supply Chain is thus a key lever for company performance.

Supply Chain 1BFurthermore in the rapid moving environment (technologies, short lead time to market, production capabilities...), the Supplier is in some cases a partner to consolidate a leadership position on the market. Consequently the identification and selection of the right suppliers is a strategic activity which shall be tackled at early stage and thus is a competitive factor in a Bid process as introduced in another topic. 

The role of the Supplier may cover several domains: Design, Development, Production and Qualification, even sometimes service to the final customer.... which are expected with a high level of quality. The integration of the Supplier in the Company Value Chain is a sourve of performance which needs adequate processus and tools. Beyond the corresponding standard skills, the relationship quality between the Company and the Supplier is influencing the global performance.

The construction and management of the Supply Chain shall focus the attention of the management and be part of the company strategy. Monitoring and driving the Supply Chain performance, with respect to every criteria (industrial, commercial, relationship...) shall be a mastered process to achieve Excellence.

DynaVisiC has a large experience in this function management which can enable the Supply Chain performance setting, from supplier selection to supplier management, and consolidate this function in the company value chain in particular at the early phase of a project.

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